Dr. Jeri Coffey, D.D.S.




Dr. Jeri Coffey, D.D.S. is locally owned and operated. Our doctor is respected and qualified in her area of training. Dr. Coffey is licensed to practice within her respective areas of training.


General Dentistry

We provide a full range of services for everyone in your family, including children.
Preventive - checkups, xrays and cleanings
Fillings - (We ONLY do “white” composite fillings)
Full mouth rehabilitation

Headache Diagnosis and Treatment

Because I was a long-time, (over 20 years), daily headache sufferer myself, I have taken extensive training in how to determine the cause or causes of your headaches. I can generally tell, within the first ten minutes, if there is a dental cause contributing to your headaches. I give DETAILED explanations about what can be done to help relieve your headaches, and have had tremendous success getting people out of constant pain.

TMJ disorders and Bite related problems

There are currently 3 “schools of thought” in dentistry, about how teeth should bite together, and how that relates to the jaw joints and the musculature. As I was struggling to find the solution to MY bite/headache/neck pain issues, I took extensive training in all three of these ideologies. I find that the solution is most often a BLEND of all three. (That’s what helped me, and yes, I finally treated myself - successfully.)


Any dentist can place an implant and restore it. The secret is understanding the specific engineering requirements of implants themselves, they are NOT teeth and they do not respond like natural teeth do to the forces of how the teeth come together. The longevity of your implant is reliant on 3 things:

  1. Your ability to clean it properly

  2. Your general health and your risk of or status of your diabetes

  3. The forces placed on that implant by the adjacent and opposing teeth, AND the lateral pressure from your tongue

To me, it’s not a question of whether or not you CAN get an implant, It’s a question of how we can make sure that you can KEEP your new implant. Contrary to popular belief, implants are not permanent, they CAN and DO fail. I do everything possible to train you how to care for your implants and make certain that all the engineering principles are strictly adhered to. Also, it’s one thing to get an implant that shows when you smile, but it’s equally as important to insure that it looks gorgeous in that esthetic zone.

Dental Phobics

I personally, had a horrible dentist growing up. I was terrified at every appointment. I know what you’re feeling. Because of that, I have gone so far as to have my patient sit in a regular chair FAR FROM me, while we just talk, at the first appointment. The next appointment, they sit in the dental chair, and we still “just talk”. The next appointment, I only LOOK in their mouth. We proceed slowly from there, until the patient develops the necessary level of trust to know that THEY are in charge of the appointment. I only do what THEY want, and we take breaks or stop when THEY need to. I have successfully treated a multitude of terrified patients that continue on to have regular, non-scary appointments that they gladly schedule and do not dread.

Snoring/Sleep Apnea and

Many adults snore. There is a range of snoring sounds, from the rare, but occasional “snort”, to the constant “freight train”, to the “symphony of sounds” accompanied by periods of stopping breathing entirely, gasping for air at that conclusion. Many of these sounds make your spouse/partner want to kick you or jostle you so that THEY can get some sleep! Some qualify as sleep apnea, which has a significant increase in early heart attack rates.

True sleep apnea is graded as mild, moderate and severe, which is based on the number of times that you stop breathing per minute. For moderate and severe sleep apnea, a CPAP machine, (the mask over your face that forces air in), is recommended. Only 30% of patients are able to tolerate CPAP machines, so 70% of patients do not use any treatment at all and risk an early heart attack. I have many different/alternative solutions for the majority of sleep apnea patients, which I would be happy to discuss with you.

We also offer one of the state of the art therapies for treatment of these disorders, NightLase. This laser treats the soft tissues of the mouth and throat, with NO pain, No anesthesia, and NO downtime. The NightLase laser treatment significantly tightens and lifts up those tissues creating a substantial increase in the actual AIRWAY SPACE, which can eliminate snoring! Patients that have severe sleep apnea will have up to a 70% improvement in the airway and should be able to turn down the air volume in their CPAP, or eliminate it altogether. (THIS MUST BE CONFIRMED WITH A FOLLOW-UP SLEEP STUDY to verify improvement, if you are attempting to eliminate your CPAP, and you have severe sleep apnea).

Botox/Dermal Fillers
and Smoothlase

Because I was a former severe headache sufferer, I was introduced to Botox, as an adjunct treatment in headache reduction. I had a plastic surgeon friend who would inject me every 3 months, to help relieve my chronic pain, (before I realized what the true cause was.). He suggested that I take the Botox training and do it myself. I did. During the training, I was also introduced to the cosmetic benefits of Botox. I have been a certified Botox injector for 10 years. I loved the esthetic results that I was getting on my patients, so I then took the training and became a certified Dermal Filler injector. What fun! It is like sculpting faces back into their youthful appearances. There are instantaneous results. I always thought that I would be the type of person that aged gracefully. THAT DID NOT HAPPEN. I don’t accidentally look younger than my true age, (wink), I inject Botox and dermal fillers into my own face. (Yes, I actually do that.)

We also offer SmoothLase laser treatment to tighten facial skin, (including the jowl area!). There is NO pain, NO anesthesia, and NO down time! The laser generates collagen formation in the skin, (which is what we lose when we age). The loss of that collagen is what results in sagging skin and wrinkles. With treatment, and yearly "touch-ups", we can SIGNIFICANTLY slow down the aging process.

Full Mouth Rehabilitation

There are a myriad of ways to fix smiles that are badly broken down over the course of many years. It is my job to present you with many different options, from the least expensive to the most expensive. When asked, “Dr. Coffey, what do you think that you are the best at, in dentistry?” My answer is, “my ability to come up with a plan A, B, C, D.....etc, until one of them appeals to you.” The only “right” treatment plan, is the one that works for YOU. It is always my intention to present what works in your budget. I NEVER “sell” you on what works financially for me. After all these years of practice, I still truly love what I do - because I have your best interests at heart.

Working With Autistic Children And Special Needs Children

I see a lot of autistic and special needs children. I love working with all children and have a special place in my heart for these darlings. There are specific techniques that I have developed over time, that help keep these children safe, protected, and especially, respected the entire time that I am with them. It is such an honor to have them learn to trust me and know that I will always help them - an HONOR.

Teeth Straightening

I utilize many different removable appliances that straighten teeth and develop arches in both children and adults. After doing a fair amount of nursing home visits, I can tell you that straight teeth are self cleansing, crooked teeth are not. If your teeth are straight when you enter a nursing home, you keep the majority of them. If they are crooked, you lose the majority of them, because dental hygiene, (unfortunately), is NOT a priority in a nursing home - no matter how much the nursing home costs!! Most cases, whether child or adult, can actually be treated without actual BRACES.